Wild animal enclosure at the nature park center

Discover red deer, wild boars and roe deer

Large game reserves for red deer, wild boar and roe deer have been set up at the Deutschwald nature park entrance. The animals can be easily seen, heard and (especially in the case of the wild boars!) smelled in their natural habitat.

Please do not feed the animals because inappropriate food makes the animals sick.

Red deer enclosure

In the red deer enclosure, the capital deer guards its three female companions (does). In spring, when the young are born, the animals are often hidden in the back of the. Only the stag has large antlers, the hinds are without headdress, but they have particularly pretty large ears. The stag sheds its antlers in mid-March so that they can grow again in full splendor until the rut in mid-August. One of its shed antlers and an information sheet on special features of the animals is on display at the feeding hut at the enclosure.

Wild boar enclosure

The wild boar enclosure is very popular with our visitors because it is easy to see and observe the animals, especially from the two observation platforms and along the path around the enclosure (approx. 20 min walk). In the enclosure one young male animal ("Keiler") and 3 females ("Bachen") live together with their annual offspring ("squeakers"). Around March, the light brown striped squeakers arrive. In the months after that (April-June) the wild boar enclosure is busy, because the squeakers are quite playful and curious and also very greedy.

Roe deer enclosure

The roe deer enclosure is the most secretive of our deer enclosures. The male deer ("roebuck") has small antlers, the female ("doe") has none.

The roebuck sheds its “Krickerl” every year between October and November, but it immediately begins to grow again under a protective and nourishing bast skin. By the end of January, the antlers have completely grown back. The delicate roe deer are generally vulnerable and therefore always shy and try to hide from humans. 

Unfortunately, there are no deer in the enclosure at the moment. We are using the vacancy to create an additional small grazing area in the new enclosure. We hope to be able to welcome deer back to the improved home from mid-2024. 

Access & reachability

The wild animal enclosures are located at the nature park center, which is easily accessible from the Deutschwald nature park entrance.
It takes about 30 minutes to walk from the Purkersdorf-Zentrum train station via the Kellerwiese access and the nature trail to the nature park center. A journey by car is not recommended because of the tight parking situation, but if you still want to, you can reach the nature park entrance Deutschwald at the end of Rudolf-Hanke-Gasse in the Purkersdorf district Deutschwald (Navi address 3002 Rudolf-Hanke-Gasse 12).